Åpent brev til Dr. Karsten Kronholm ang Fri Energi og Karsten Midtbø
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2016-09-09 12:22:39Hei
Og tusen takk for deres innsats og støtte for å backe Karsten Midtbø i å stå oppreist, møte og ta tyren ved hornene i Fred og Kjærlighet.
Fantastisk å se så mange komme sammen om en så viktig sak og vise at vi vokser og blir sterkere og sterkere.
Dette er bare fortsettelsen på starten av den seieren vi allerede faktisk har vunnet, å introdusere en ny måte å Leve Mere på :D <3
Det er ingen veg tilbake nå, vi blir alle tatt med på prosessen vår Moder Jord går gjennom, om du vil det eller ikke, og heldigvis går vi inn i lyset!!
Tusen takk til alle dere "Lysets Krigere"
Anders Fossland
Translation into English
2016-09-08 16:46:14Open letter to Karsten Kronholm and everybody who work on Karsten Midtbo's case continuously
It looks like it will be a lot more busy for you who work in the Psychiatric department at Sandviken Hospital in the time to come if you don't start to work on your own perception of reality right now. Big stuff is happening these days as Free Energy-technology, the knowledge about our Soul and Spirit, it's practical function and Love with Peace on Earth is becoming more and more available. This is aspects of the Green Wave, the Green Revolution that we experience today parallel with the polarities such as conflicts and challenges around the world.
First things first, since it is Karsten Midtbo's Knowledge about Free Energy-technology you use as an excuse to diagnose him as delusional, I want to enlighten you that this technology is in full blossoming around the world. This is clearly not your field of expertise, so therefor you are not qualified to have an opinion about it, unfortunately. The fact that you are making desitions based on lack of knowledge makes me question your ability to act as a responsible doctor.
Karsten is in fact one of Norway's pioneers and have a good understanding when it comes to this field.
We are many thousand here in Norway who have heard of and are learning now how we can use this technology in our lives.
Facebook-pages like; Keshe Foundation Norway and PLASMA ENERGY - Calidad is some of the groups her in Norway that gathers people who wish to learn more about this technology that comes from Keshe Foundation: www.keshefoundation.org
Mr. Mehran Tavakoli Keshe (read about him on the homepage) is a nuclear scientist from Iran who have worked on developing this technology since 1981. He made it available for the whole world october 2015 with intention of World Peace. The technology isn't patented because he wish it to be free and available for people to use so that we can get over the injustice and imbalance we experience in our world as a consequence of unavailable resources.
Unfortunately, Keshe Foundation have experienced a lot of resistance from instances that have interests to keep the energy-sources we use today going. They are dependent on our consumption of oil, gass, coal, nuclear-power and what not, to keep the industry and their system running.
Their fear for us to be independent is understandable, but we feel that the time to free ourselves from an industry that creates imbalance and conflicts. And the solution is here.
Mr MT Keshe is not the first to present Free Energy, as Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the brushless AC induction motor, radio, remote control by radio, super-conductivity, fluorescent lighting, the bladeless turbine engine and pump, the capacitor discharge ignition system for automobile engines to mention some, in the beginning of the 20th century worked on developing and sharing his knowledge about free energy. He also met a lot of resistance and died in mysterious ways.
Wilhelm Reich has also done a lot work for us to benefit from when it comes to understanding different aspects of energy.
On world basis we are many, many more, hundreds of thousands and millions if we take Asia into account. Take the time to search for groups like Keshe Foundation, Golden age of Gans and Plasma Tech on Facebook and SEE how much that is going on NOW. If you look at the member lists on these sites, it's clear that you have to work on and maybe adjust some of your believes and convictions, and reframe your understanding of what a healthy human being is.
I can not understand that a wish to spread Peace, Love and Free Energy kan be a reason for coercion. When Karsten does this in such a peaceful and harmless way, it makes no sense at all.
The "Messiah-complex" that some people experience him to have is based on their own perceptions and lack of opportunity to go deeper into what he is communicating.
I, as a close friend and colleague, can explain that the message he is presenting is that we ALL will create Peace on Earth in the nearest future. The background for this knowledge is based in an interest and openness to dive deep into literature and sciences that isn't as socially accepted and acknowledged as it was in the past. The science of astrology, alchemy, the soul and spirit is knowledge that has been less and less emphasized through the last 2000 years.
Luckily it's now on the way back to create a bigger understanding for who and what we are here to be and do.
Quantum Physics and modern science has piles of data that supports these ancient fields of understanding our world and universe. If you search for Nassim Haramein or Gregg Braden on youtube, you will find loads of interesting videos to get a better grip of what the quantum physics can tell us about our role in this world with our consciousness, thoughts and feelings. Quantum physics show how test-results, our lives, are affected by the observers, us. Experiments shows that our reality is affected and co-created through our consciousness by our convictions, thoughts and feelings.
Now I have to say that I am fully conscious that my perception on the world is pretty different from most people. But I also understand, accept and respect that other people have their own perspectives, experiences, perceptions and insights, and I have no burning desire to force my world onto others. In that case I think you could diagnose me as psychotic?
Of corse doesn't everybody have the same drive and interest to explore the same fields and aspects as I have, we are unique energies with unique interests, tasks and roles.
Then why is it so, that somebody have the right to diagnose other human beings for their convictions and call it delusions just because it doesn't match their own convictions and perceptions? How is that differently from being psychotic?
Is it necessarily so that the majority have the "right" perception of reality? If so, where is the potential for new understandings, growth and development of our society? If those who have accumulated a bigger or wider understanding in any field whatsoever, is being locked away behind bars, hidden for the public, what effect will this have on our development and evolution?
My opinion is that we should think twice before we sort out what we want to hear or not, by hiding or ignoring what we can't understand and perceive. Because if we do, how will we then grow?
I understand that change and new stuff can be experienced as threatening in the society we live in today.
But now it's time to overcome this fear and find our drive and passion to do something about the situation we have in our world today. And it starts with conquering the fears inside our selves.
This is something Karsten have been working with a lot the past year. Many of the things that created fear in him before, is he now able to observe with Love and Peace. He knows now that we human beings is so much more than what we are thought and told. Death isn't anything to fear anymore when you know that life is forever and have so much more to offer, much more than most of us are open to, yet.
To wrap things up. Karsten Midtbo is absolutely no danger for himself or others. Again, this is guesswork based on your limited insight and understanding for the situation and most probably also based on misunderstandings and wrong information/assumptions made by others involved.
It's clear for us, who knows Karsten and have the same understanding as him, that something is smelling fishy here. You don't have any right to keep him locked inn against his will, and by doing so you are breaking human rights and laws you are bound to follow.
So what is your real reason for doing so?
We demand that you reevaluate the decision made wednesday the 7th of september, based on new information and release Karsten Midtbo from compulsory hospitalization.
Kind Regards and wish for Love and Peace on earth
Anders Fossland
and all those who agree with the utterances made in this latter, by name and consciousness here:
Anders Fossland