Få Lucas hjem/Get Lucas Home.

Idag er Lucas 14 år. Men mamma Kristel Aadahl har ikke sett sønnen sin siden han var seks.

For da hun skulle hente Lucas på skolen en desemberdag i 2011, var han forsvunnet med faren sin.

Ifølge politiet peker alle spor mot at Kristels ekssamboer har tatt med seg deres felles sønn til Libya, farens opprinnelige hjemsted.

I dag ønsker faren å komme hjem frivillig med sønnen deres, og har derfor tatt kontakt med politiet i Nordland.

 Translate to English:

Today Lucas is 14 years old. But mum Kristel Aadahl has 
not seen his son since he was six. Because when she was to pick up Lucas at
school one December day in 2011, he had
disappeared with his father. According to police, all clues point to the fact
that Kristel's ex-boyfriend brought their common
son to Libya, his father's original home. Today the father wants to come home voluntarily
with their son and has therefore contacted the police
in Nordland.