Vi Krever at Terje Sørlie Skaug skal få behandling!


/ #344

2016-06-21 19:02

I am absolutely disgusted that Nittedal kommune feel it is okay to place a 34yr old person in an old peoples home and refuse to provide the necessary support and help that he needs in order to live as full a life as possible. How dare they say they cannot afford 2hrs a week physiotherapy, when I'm sure he pays his way. Let's face it, nothing's free in Norway right? How dare they and indeed the old peoples' home treat him or anyone like this?! How dare they refuse to even allow him to pay for his own treatment?! Shame on you Nittedal! Shame! Shame! Shame! Terje has done nothing wrong and yet you condemn him to this. Prisoners get better care!!
I lived in Norway for 9yrs and yes I learned the language too. But oh it is so important for people who are ill or incapacitated in some way to have help from people who not only have the skills necessary for the job, including what I call people skills, but are totally fluent in their language as well as.