Nei til DnB's støtte til Dakota Access Pipeline
Gjest |
/ #1162016-11-02 18:02DNB is partly owned by the Norwegian State. Therefore, DNB and The Norwegian State are guilty of: 1) Investing in unclean energy in contrast to The Paris Climate Agreement signed by Norway and The USA in November 2015. 2) Not respecting the International Treaty of 1851 making the land in Dakota a projected Indian reservationhttp 3) Not following indigenous or even basic human rights of the United Nations,stating that all indigenous must be consulted prior to any construction work. 4)There was a global agreement NOT to invest in fossil fuel. For the richest country in the world to grow even richer at the cost of clean water to people who have been oppressed for hundreds of years, is totally unacceptable. 5) It is not the path of the pipeline that needs to be changed. The whole project is ethically wrong and should be stopped! This will have a negative effect on DNB's and Norway's reputation as fair-players. 6) There is no water in California,Lebanon or India. In these places, water is worth more per liter than oil...people there are willing to pay exorbitant prices to have drinking water. Create water-pipelines to these places and you will enhance your world reputation and make a huge profit in the process. |
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