Quoted post
Tonje Gjevjon |
#2 Signere i blinde ?2013-02-08 20:28Trues, hvordan da? Kan dere begrunne dette? Dere kommer med påstander- men hvor er grunnlaget for påstandene? Signere uten å vite hva man signere på? Finnes det flere sider i denne saken? |
Gjest |
#3 Re: Signere i blinde ?2013-02-08 22:40:04#2: Tonje Gjevjon - Signere i blinde ? Dear Tonje, It is within your rights to really know what transpired and why this request for your support is so urgent. I guess UKS posted this with an assumption that those in the art business in this Country and those around the world who have found OCA's operations of value might have already gotten wind of threats from the ministry of culture towards an institution which as imperfect as some might find it; it and its tireless board and staff have worked very hard with a limited budget promoting Norwegian contemporary art and art activities here at home and abroad. To mention one among several achievements; OCA has been directly or indirectly responsible for some of the representations for this "Lile Land"in in highest profile exhibitions and art projects around the world. Venice, Docuementa, Sydney, Shaja etc. I really do know the history but the last time This country was represented in the international exhibition Asenally in Venice is in the 80s and within the last 6 years this country has had two Artist. As expensive as it might be in organizing and managing a high profile pavilion like the Nordic Pavilion at Venice, The mister of culture and her employees still expected OCA to use its operation finances to fund Norways representation at this year Biennale. The Minister has since coming into office made pronouncements declaring financial support to the film industry after the success of Konti ki and more millions of tax payers money to the Mela Festival but for some odd reasons She thinks an under funded OCA should be creative with its finances and put up high profile exhibitions for this country within their ordinary operational budget. |
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