Stopp steinbruddet i Bremanger! // Stop the building of a quarry in Bremanger, Norway!



I care about this mission

George Schindler (Boston, 2024-02-13)


Dette er*****a opplegg

Erik Brendløkken (Oslo, 2024-02-13)


It's important for me to save the nature, and especially the stone art

Sjur Vaage (Orkanger, 2024-02-13)


Jeg signerer dette fordi jeg mener at våre etterkommere har rett til en kultur- og naturarv de også. Vi kan ikke ofre tusenvis av år gamle helleristninger for noen få års økonomisk vinning.

Alvar Bergendal (Gjeving, 2024-02-13)


No one has the right to destroy what we have left of our ancestors beliefs, culture and traditions. This is disgusting that anyone would put corporations and private billionaires financial interests ahead of our history and roots.

Rachel Nieboer (Maple city, 2024-02-14)


Naturen treng vår hjelp!

Ole Erik Thingnes (Naustdal, 2024-02-14)


I care about World heritage and the protection of humanities history.

Ben Dickins (Bruton, 2024-02-14)


For our people, contemporary and ancestral alike, we must preserve our culture and history! It is necessary that we stand in defiance of the greed-driven horde that now seeks monetary gain in the destruction of invaluable history.

Jonathan Hardie (Roxboro, 2024-02-14)


Jeg er sterk bekymret av statens manglende ansvar for kulturarven.

Olga Wisniewska (Ramberg, 2024-02-14)


I don't think rocky quarrying for even more offshore development should harm this unique cultural heritage.

Heleen van Santen (Bergen, 2024-02-14)


Rock art is part of our legacy as humans.

Manuel Bea (Zaragoza, 2024-02-14)


Som arkeolog kan jag bara förundra mig över norska regeringens kortsiktiga beslut: Saknar dess medlemmar den grundläggande bildningen för att begripa vilka värden som förstörs genom det här vansinnet, eller är de så genomkorrumperade att de inte bryr sig om något annat än lobbyisternas vinstmarginal?

Michael NEISS (Lunds universitet, 2024-02-14)


Dette er en skam og det burde ikke en en gang vurderes å ødelegge område på denne måten!

Josef Vikesland (Hamar, 2024-02-14)


Mother natur

Ingrid Elisabeth Haugen (Svelgen, 2024-02-14)


To preserve an archaeologically significant site…

Matthew Odom (Marysville, 2024-02-14)


Verdensarven vår skal være steder der også det omkringliggende landskapet er intakt og forteller en historie om fortiden.

Frode Elias Lindal (Alta, 2024-02-14)


I have been to this remote beatiful place called Vingen and the rare stonecarvings. It's beyond my fantasy to destroy a sacred place like that. God forbid.

Cecilie Nygren (Lillehammer, 2024-02-14)


I wish to preserve our unique cultural heritage from the destruction of industry

Frederik Rye Skov (Copenhagen, 2024-02-14)


The destruction or culture and history is a plague in our society

Dominik Cassells (Picton, 2024-02-14)


I am human and respect our ancestors/history

Sean Whitfield (Southend on sea, 2024-02-14)


The preservation of ancestral sites, especially pristine ones, is vital because of their historical, cultural and scientific significance. As well as representing tangible testimonies of past civilisations and being fundamental to the cultural identity of many communities, these sites are valuable sources of archaeological and scientific knowledge. The conservation of these sites also contributes to the protection of biodiversity and respect for human rights, as well as promoting sustainable tourism and local economic development. In short, stopping the massive destruction of these sites is essential to preserving our cultural and natural heritage and ensuring that these legacies are appreciated and protected for future generations.

Sara Garcês (Mação, 2024-02-14)


Eg signerer sidan eg tykkjer naturøydelegginga av urørt natur har gått for langt. I dette tilfellet òg med konsekvensar for eit svært verdfullt helleristningsfelt, og ein planlagt nasjonalpark. Desse treng pr definisjon ikkje å forsvare sin verdi og rett til å bli respektert, med urørt natur som sin sjølvsagte omgjevnad. Kapitalinteresser og industri må difor halde seg langt unna. Kapitalen vi no har att, i form av urørt natur, skal vise seg å bli langt meir verdifull enn nokon annan aksjepost eller pengefond i framtida.

Gorm Evensen (5961 Brekke, 2024-02-14)


Please preserve these prehistoric rock carvings! This is your history!

Cheryl Adam (BODEGA BAY, 2024-02-14)


It is important to protect rock carving site of Vingen.

Grethe Vollum (Asker/Oslo, 2024-02-14)


Dette er kultueminneområde.

Anne Marit Holø (Skjetten, 2024-02-14)


We have a right & a responsibility to protect our history!

Lida Fitzgerald (Lowellville, 2024-02-14)


When destroying our past, they are destroying our future.
Without the knowledge of the past, there is no knowledge in the future.

Dirk Dox (Lille, 2024-02-14)


These rock art pieces cannot be replaced and further study if the location cannot ever be undertaken if the quarry goes ahead, heritage is not replaceable.

Greg Crees (Stroud, 2024-02-14)