Gi regissør Mohamed Jabaly arbeids- og oppholdstillatelse
Verden trenger det.(Lillehammer, 2016-12-22)
Proffesjonelle filmselskap skal bestemme kven som er kvalifisert ikkje UDI(Ulvik, 2016-12-22)
Mannen er en dyktig kunstner som bør få anledning til å arbeide med film slik han allerede gjør.(Bergen, 2016-12-22)
Jeg kjenner Mohamed og vet at han ikke bare er en dyktig regissør, men også en godhjertet mann som kjemper for medmenneskelighet.(Bardufoss, 2016-12-22)
UDI and UNE don't have the credentials and thus are not qualified to judged whether or not Mohammed is a film director.(Nairobi, 2016-12-22)
It's not necessary to be 'educated' to be a film director, more necessary to be talented, hard working and be a storyteller.(Reykjavik, 2016-12-22)
Jeg har møtt å jobbet bare pitte litt sammen med Mohamed, kan ikke si jeg kjenner han men han er en rå fantastisk sjel som gjør bl.a mye godt for tromsø sin "film industri"! Han fortjener å være i Tromsø å i norge mer enn mange Norske! Ikke send han hjem!!(Tromsø, 2016-12-22)
I support Mohamed Jabaly(Vancouver, 2016-12-22)
Rich countries like Norway need to help people who need help. Rich countries like Norway and Canada often refuse because they are selfish.(SURREY, 2016-12-22)
Mohamed fortjener å bli i Norge. Han har en jobb, bidrar til filmkulturen både i Norge og internasjonalt.(Tromsø, 2016-12-22)
This is awful. Let him stay!(Finnsnes, 2016-12-22)
Only the international perspective and materials and stories brought about by people like Mohamed Jabaly can help us to understand today's problems and find their proper, satisfying for all solutions. Without knowledge we're doomed to repeat the past mistakes. In the film industry there are many people who graduated from other departments, - what qualifies them to be a filmmaker is their passion and ability to observe and tell the stories through a medium of film. The proof of being a filmmaker is a film itself.(Warsaw, 2016-12-22)
I have been an advisor to the producer of this film, John Arvid Berger, and from this first-hand experience I'd like to stress that the company and the director have my full trust and support.(Edinburgh, 2016-12-22)
Jeg kjenner godt hvor vanskelig er det å skaffe seg job i Norge og i tillegg fylle alle kriteriene for at Udi kan godkjenner oppholdstillatelse. Det er ikke lett.(Stavanger, 2016-12-22)
Han bør få bli siden hans sak må være feilbehandlet.(Tromsø, 2016-12-23)
I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of mobility(Stockholm, 2016-12-23)
I'm signing because i think it is shocking that refugees should not have the right to work especially when they are producing films that can help the world change.(Edinburgh, 2016-12-23)
Når kunstnariske krefter som har noko å bidra med, i tillegg får tilbod om jobb her i landet, burde det vege tungt for å innvilge opphald.(Oslo, 2016-12-23)
Mohammed är en vän, kollega men även en viktigt resurs för filmindustrin och Nord Norge. Att inte låta han stanna vore en stor sorg.(Tromso and Helsingborg, 2016-12-23)
Det er vanvittig at denne mannen ikke skal få kunne jobbe her inntil det eventuelt er mulig å reise hjem.(Oslo, 2016-12-23)
I have seen Mohamad Jabaly's film AMBULANCE. He is indeed a film director-maker. Please grant him a work visa in Norway. Thank you.(san francisco, 2016-12-23)
The harrowing condition of people in Gaza and their heroism must be shown to the international community.(Victoria, 2016-12-23)
Kunstnere trenger hverandre for å kunne fortsette å være kunstnere. Alle land og kulturer trenger kunstnere for å kunne fortsette å være land og kulturer.(Nesodden, 2016-12-23)
Som kunstner ser jeg at mange kunstnere og kunstarbeidere som jeg kjenner, respekterer og stoler på, går god for og anser denne mannen som en ressurs. Jeg vil derfor vise min støtte både for denne mannen som åpenbart har en jobb og gjøre her, og på et generellt grunnlag fordi UDI og UNE behandler mennesker med annen hudfarge og som kommer fra andre steder enn europa på en urettferdig og ikke menneskeverdig måte.(Oslo, 2016-12-23)
'Ambulance' is an extremely well-made film that has a powerful effect. It very skilfully weaves the personality of the film-maker into the bigger story of the onslaught on Gaza. The person who made this film, Mohamed Jabaly, clearly understands how film works, what to shoot and how to shoot it, and how to structure a story to maximum effect. This is the definition of a film-maker. I have worked all my adult life in television in the UK. I've made many films for the BBC, Channel 4, and broadcasters abroad. I've never spent a minute in a film-school as a student, let alone six years. Film-makers learn through passion and commitment, by trial and error, and by working with more experienced people -- editors and producers. Jabaly obviously has a lot of talent. Norway would be utterly foolish, and will look utterly stupid in the world of documentary film, to deport someone with his abilities and potential. His next film might win an Oscar -- you never know.(London, 2016-12-24)
As a university professor and film director of 50 years standing I can assure you that you don't have to have academic qualifications to be a great filmmaker. 'Ambulance' is an important film that may well be nominated for an Oscar.(London, 2016-12-24)
Cultural exchange and understanding across borders is key to our development as world community(London, 2016-12-24)
Great documentaries are fundamental for real citizenship.(OTTAWA, 2016-12-24)
Jabaly is the director of an important and well recognised film. To say he is not a director is mistaken ignorance. He has been working in Norway legally, and there is no good reason to deport him.(London, 2016-12-25)
I am agree: "If Norwegian film companies cannot work with foreign directors this violates our freedom of speech and restricts what stories can be told. The film industry is dependant upon an open flow of international talent in order to make high-quality and high-impact work for viewers around the world......(Hannover, 2016-12-25)