Stopp steinbruddet i Bremanger! // Stop the building of a quarry in Bremanger, Norway!



Dette er vår felles kulturarv, den bør og skal bevares på samme vis som pyramider i Egypt

Odd Einar Laugaland (BRYNE, 2024-02-09)


I love Norway, but lately I have been deeply disappointed by the decisions to deep sea mine and now this wanton destruction of nature. Have you learned nothing or are you so corrupted by industry interests?

Henrik Williams (Uppsala, 2024-02-09)


Jeg er imot denne utbygginga!

Birgitte Bjørkli (Oslo, 2024-02-09)


Dette er komplett galskap!

Heidi Seilfaldet (Rådal, 2024-02-09)


Det hemningsløse forbruket av natur, og i dette tilfellet også svært verdifulle kulturminner, må stagges. Stein til veikonstruksjon finnes det garantert nok av i eksisterende deponier.

Tom Heibreen (Nesodden, 2024-02-09)


Jeg vil protestere mot at penger går foran natur og kulturarv. Den lille delen av pengene som kommer lokalsamfunnet til gode er en kortsiktig gevinst, som på ingen måte kan unnskylde ødeleggelsene, eller at mesteparten av overskuddet går til rike folk andre steder.

Erlend Nordlie (Tårnåsen, 2024-02-09)


Estoy a favor del desarrollo siempre que sea compatible con la conservación de los valores ambientales y culturales. Este no parece ser el caso de la cantera cantera en Bremanger.



I want helleristninger to be preserved.

Synnøve Hemch (Kolsås, 2024-02-09)


These artifacts need to be protected

Laura Hirch (Munich, 2024-02-09)


I sign this petition in order to halt the quarry project affecting the rock carving site of Vingen.



Stop the destruction of the wonderful and unique Vingen site!

António Batarda Fernandes (Coimbra, 2024-02-09)


Everything possible should be done not only to preserve the area. This is a place of absolute beauty and of fundamental significance to undestand the history of humanity.

serena Sabatini (Göteborg, 2024-02-09)


This is a horrendous, as un-sustainable as it gets, destruction of untouched coastal nature in Norway. Destroying the nature according to this plan for a few jobs, will in the future be viewed as one of the most dispicable acts ever in this area. And for what? Making asphalt to pave roads in the Netherlands.

Kjetil Tennebø (Larvik, 2024-02-09)


Konserver kulturminner!

Karina Ferrelli (Oslo, 2024-02-09)


Ancient history and culture must be preserved for present and future generations.

Saxon Corkhill-Philpott (Sevenoaks, 2024-02-09)


Dear Minister Sande,
I write on behalf of the International Scientific Committee on Rock Art to call upon you to instigate an immediate review of your Ministry’s decision to allow a rock quarry and a shipping quay to be built in the immediate vicinity of one of the most significant rock art sites in Europe: Vingen.

As you are aware, the Aksla quarry and Inste Bårdvikneset quay developments have been opposed by the National Antiquities Office of Norway. We too, strongly oppose these developments. The approval of these developments by your Ministry is an extraordinarily bad decision. It creates unacceptable direct risks to one of the world’s greatest rock art sites and it will forever damage the viewshed and natural environs of this site. I write to express, in the strongest possible terms, the sadness of the international scientific community at this decision and implore you to reconsider.

I’m sure that you will recall the important precedent of the rock art site of Foz Côa, in Portugal. There, a site of comparable significance to Vingen was also threatened by development, in that case a dam. The international outcry was similar to that which you will face for this decision at Vingen. In Portugal, the sitting government lost the national election because of the Foz Côa issue. After the election, the new government reversed the development decision and Foz Côa is now, thankfully, a treasured and protected UNESCO World Heritage Site, as Vingen should be.

Vigen is one of the largest and best-preserved rock art sites in Northern Europe. Its cultural significance is global, and there is no doubt that it merits inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. What sets Vingen apart from almost all other European rock art sites is that it sits in a pristine natural setting almost unchanged since the art was made many thousands of years ago. It is this setting that is directly threatened by your decision. The noise contamination, the light contamination, the dust contamination, the visual scarring of the landscape, will all change Vingen forever.

There are many more suitable locations for a quarry of this kind. This is not an either/or between priceless ancient heritage and a quarry. You can have both, just not in the same area.

Please reconsider this development approval. Vingen, and its surroundings should be protected in perpetuity for the benefit of all humanity.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Benjamin Smith
President, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Rock Art (ISC-CAR)

Benjamin Smith (Perth, 2024-02-09)


Steingravering er noe av det viktigste og eldste bevis på dans i Norge fra 4-6000 år tilbake. Dette må vi bevare.

Ole Marius Støle (Bergen, 2024-02-09)


It's my heritage too.

Sara Langvik Berge (Oslo, 2024-02-09)


Bevar natur og kulturminner!

Nora Furan (Oslo, 2024-02-09)


This is a scandal

Iver Gauksrud (Eina, 2024-02-09)


It is lunacy to go on with these plans.

Isolde de Jonge (BERGEN, 2024-02-09)


Et unikt naturområde som bør bevares uberørt for framtidige generasjoner. Politikere og næringsliv bør også tenke på at området kan bli en perle for cruiseturismen, à la Olden, Loen og Geiranger.

Rolf Melheim (Oslo, 2024-02-09)


Eg signerer fordi heile området bør bli freda for øydeleggande aktiviteten som nå er planlagt. Det blir irreversible skade på miljø og levevilkår for vi som bur i Berle og område. La naturen leve, vern om det fantastisk historiske plassen. Foran gevinst for ein (utenlansk) selskap.
Berle har allereie fått nok belastning i form av 2 vindmøllenindustrie og 2 nye oppdrettsanlegg siste åra. Stopp!

Monica Hart (Bremanger, 2024-02-09)