Terms and conditions for purchasing an advertising campaign for a petition
We will advertise this petition to the visitors of our site.
We do not guarantee results in terms of the number of signatures or the number of clicks on the ad.
Terms of delivery
The delivery of our digital service starts immediately after payment.
There is no right of cancellation.
We do not promise that we will be able to reach the number of people we promised within a certain time. If you are in a hurry, buy an advertising campaign with a small budget and when the campaign expires, buy a new advertising campaign.
If the petition is closed before the end of the advertising campaign, we will continue to advertise the petition.
If the petition is deleted (by the author of the petition or by us) before the end of the advertising campaign, we can, at your request, transfer the unused budget to advertise another petition.
Terms of payment
Payment must be made immediately after ordering. The petition's ads will only appear after payment.
Payment service providers
Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) operates as the payment intermediary service provider and in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. Paytrail Oyj appears as the recipient of the payment on the bank statement or card invoice and forwards the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oyj has a payment institution license. In cases of complaints, we ask that you first contact the supplier of the product.
Paytrail Oyj, y-tunnus: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Complaints and other contacts
Seller information
Petitions24 Oy (Business ID: 2658159-5)PL 697
00101 Helsinki
Norges Ukraina-støtte må økes drastisk!
Innspill Reguleringsplan 202406 for Mosetertoppen Øvre
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Endringer skjer ikke ved å være stille. Start en sosial bevegelse ved å opprette en underskriftskampanje.
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