Fjern Solveig Horne som BLD minister

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Dette diskusjonstemaet har blitt automatisk laget fra Fjern Solveig Horne som BLD minister-oppropet.



2016-02-10 20:43

Even Anders behring breivik, who was innocent to the opposite was proven had more rettsikkerhet than children and parents.



2016-02-10 21:14

Må ha noen som har sunn fornuft til å ta over og har medmennesker å tenke på da tenker jeg på over 80% av barna som har blitt hentet uten grunn. Rydd barnevernet fra roten av



2016-02-10 23:41

Too many cases of abuse of human rights are comming out, and she didn't has the tools to stop or investigate them??



2016-02-11 07:30

You had to change the way the Barnevernet is working with children and parents in your country!



2016-02-11 21:30

hei, dette er lang histori om meg og mor for barn mine, barnevare ga psyket porblem til mor barn mitt,og hun tok liv sitt, dette er selvmorder som kan ikke snakker om dette p.g.a ..........MEN, etter dødsfall mor de har gørd mye feil, de send barn til poland,fordi mangle dna test, etter dødsfall jeg trekker hand min som jeg er far, fra Oslo ting retten, dømmer har ringt barn vare til vite om barn, men feil etter feil, nå etter 4 år har fått DNA attest men ingen vil eller kan ikke hjelp meg, hva som skjer i verden. vi røper etter rettighet av mennesker i hell verden, men inn land vår vi har fullstendige,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. håper gir meg mulighet til å snakke om dette, jeg bære dette vond flere år uten hjelp fra system. system er for folk, ikke system for system. mvh Reza fra Iran



2016-02-12 13:53

Norway clean up the mass.



2016-02-12 14:31

Took children illegal



2016-02-12 14:39

stop barnevernet! evil and demonic system of stealing children! needs to stop!



2016-02-12 14:41

I hope you'll stop the injustices towards parents and children! Shame on you Barnevernet!



2016-02-12 14:42

Took without any reason children of Bodnariu family



2016-02-12 14:45

They took without any reason the 5 childs of Marius and Ruth Bodnariu



2016-02-12 16:23

Solveig, you are not for that position bc. you have no feelings for children. Instead you have a broken heart and cold like Norwegian winter, bc. always you act as Nazzy guardian trying to destroy the bond between children and their parents. God will judge you severely. You maybe have a family, though you behave as having none. So, Go, Solveigh, Go to be a fisher-woman and prepare the meal for your husband and children. If you have those, you have a family. That's the definition of a family, you have destroyed in Norway. And Remember, there will be a time when you will see God's hand in your family life.



2016-02-12 16:34

Solveig is a machine of barnevernet



2016-02-12 16:41




2016-02-12 17:45

I signed this petition because Norway MP is defiant against human rights, real children protection and is supporting a children trafficking organization like Barnevernet who acts in Nazu style to dismantle families and kidnapp children from their parents.



2016-02-12 19:18

Familia inseamna copii alaturi de parinti, nu de gay si lesby sau alti parinti!!!...
Signifie la famille des enfants avec les parents, pas gay et Lesby ou d'autres les parents !!! ...



2016-02-12 19:20

Familia a fost creata de Dumnezeu asa cum a Gandit-o El, nu cum a gandit-o omul!!!...
The family was created by God as he thought, no thought as a man !!! ...



2016-02-12 21:19

Barnevernet if you want children make them your self. You are more then 100.000 people there! It is easy to stole? Shame on you!




2016-02-12 21:21

In 2016 nu trebuie sa mai existe in nici o tara din Europa practici naziste de nici un fel cu atat mai mult rapirea de copii cu justificari foarte vagi ! Demisia ministrului si chiar a intregului guvern ! Rusine stat Norvegian ! Santeti rusinea Europei !



2016-02-12 21:39

Stop Barnevernet!



2016-02-13 00:37

Ridiculous country!!!



2016-02-13 00:40

Something demonic!!!! Stop Barnevernet!!!!! You're killing children not protect them!!!



2016-02-13 01:14

Suzanne Krzos


#49 Re:

2016-02-13 03:36

# 39: -  

 yes, they took Bodnariu's family children for any good , seriously reason! The children aren't any better with somebody else then their parents. This is a serious crime in front of God and for those who are taking the job as a parent with responsibility!!!!





2016-02-13 04:11

Don't forget: the children are God's gift for their parents,It's NOT property of anyone .Shame for Norvegian"Democratic" Government . The Barnevernet - Terrorism demographic system
must dissolve and minister of children must put in jail.
PS. Return all the childrens back to their parents!
Take action right the way.