Samfunnsengasjerte norsk-pakistanere, SNP, is a Facebook-group with more than 13,500 members. Our members are only Norwegian-Pakistanis. Considering that there are approximately 60,000 Norwegian-Pakistanis in Norway, SNP is by far the largest group for Norwegian-Pakistanis in Norway, having about 1/4 as members. 

In our group, topics that are of core interest for the Norwegian-Pakistani diaspora are discussed.

We have been contacted by a lot of our members for the past year regarding renewal of POC. We regret to say, but the system NADRA is using is a mess. It is very confusing, time-consuming and irrational. 

Only a few of our members have been successful in renewal of their POC - most of them not even understanding how they did it. Even when following their successful recipies, others have not been able to renew. 

We are sorry to say, but the NADRA system is an embarrasment to Pakistan. We have excellent IT-competency in our country, and there is no reason why we shouldn't have a World class functionality on the Governments sites.

Due to the frustration, many Norwegian-Pakistanis simply have given up and gone for a simpel tourist visa instead. This also inhibits invesment in Pakistan, as they cannot do this while being foreign nationals.

Very few have decided to go for dual citizenship, due to the political instability globally. Even in Norway, the extreme right is experiencing a surge. The future seems uncertain. Thus our people are reluctant in acquiring dual citizenship.

Furthermore, we have also received complaints from members that have applied for visa, in good time, but got the visa issued just a day or two prior to departure. This has caused frustration and irritation. We hope the Embassy can address this issue also towards NADRA, who issues the visas. People think this is the fault of Embassy staff, which we know is not correct. We have received a lot of complaints about poor customer service by the Embassy. Delays are caused by NADRA, but the Embassy is getting the blame - and this is not fair. Since the Embassy represents the Government of Pakistan, people are venting their anger towards the Embassy. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.  

We request Her Excellency, Madam Ambassador Ms. Saadia Altaf Qazi, to help us in addressing this matter. Knowing her concern for us, we are sure she will raise the right questions in the right fora.

Madam Ambassador, we request you to get a reply from NADRA for:
- what is NADRA doing to fix the issue with POC applications for us?
- WHEN can we expect the NADRA site to work "normal" again, for POC applications?
- WHEN will NADRA start issuing visas in time, in accordance with leadtimes given?

We understand things take time - and to correct the software issues in the user interface might do take some time - but we request that NADRA gives a final date, after which processes should be streamlined and fully functioning. 

Very grateful for your help.
Sincerely, on behalf of SNP.

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