«The Nordic Film Community» stand with protesters in Iran



Signed by Movies on War film festival in solidarity with the protesters of Iran.

Øystein Egge (Elverum, 2022-10-02)


Alla kvinnor ska ha rätt att välja själva om dom vill känna vinden blåsa i håret

Andrea Östlund (Göteborg, 2022-10-03)


Kvinners rettigheter i Iran

Elin Mack (Oslo, 2022-10-03)


Women all over the world are entitled to live their lives in freedom and safety, with dignity and respect.

Trond Lossius, professor, The Norwegian Film School, Inland University of Applied Sciences

Trond Lossius (Oslo, 2022-10-03)


Programmer at the Cinematheque of The Danish Film Institute. To support all women in Iran fighting for freedom and equality.

Lone Sardemann (Copenhagen, 2022-10-03)


SOS 🆘Iran, freedom, women….. Help Iran Now 🆘

Golnoush Lundén (Alvesta, 2022-10-03)


Freedom of expression is a human right!

Stephen Quinn (Brighton, 2022-10-03)


Jeg støtter alle menneskene i Iran som kjemper mot undertrykkelse.
Women. Life. Freedom.

Mine Nilay Yalcin (Oslo, 2022-10-03)


Jeg signerer fordi jeg støtter protestene i Iran og fordømmer regimets handlinger og politikk

Sidsel Hellebø-Hansson (Vence, France, 2022-10-03)


I solidaritet

Ellen Horn (Maridalsveien 103, 2022-10-03)


zan, zendegi, azadi

Naser Sabetzadeh (Oppegård, 2022-10-03)


Alla människor rätt att välja fritt över sina liv

Emil Almén (Stockholm, 2022-10-03)


Jeg signerer for rettferdighet.

Lilleaas Unn (Oslo, 2022-10-04)


För att det är det enda rätta!

Alexander Kantdjö (Stockholm, 2022-10-04)


Du må ikke tåle så inderlig vel den urett som ikke rammer deg selv.

Ane Skumsvoll (Haugesund, 2022-10-04)


Amandusfestivalen - In solidarity with all those who fight for freedom in Iran.

Stine Marie Solem (Lillehammer, 2022-10-06)


ژن - ژیان - ئازادی

Sara Baban (Oslo, 2022-10-12)


Shahla Hirsai

Shahla Hirsat (Oslo, 2022-10-12)


Jeg signerer fordi det er min menneskelig plikt✌🏼

Samira Aminihajibashi (Oslo, 2022-10-13)