We welcome H.H. Dalai Lama to Norway and to the Norwegian Parliament
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razisfree |
#27 noway2014-04-30 15:30How can we allow our politicians to run our country when they just give a shit about the people in norway.... Let us fire them all and get real humans to run our country not the criminals that sit there now..... Enough bullshit!!! |
Gjest |
#282014-05-01 16:55It should not be difficult to choose betwen money and human rights! As a Norwegian I am disqusted by the rightwing government and it´s choices. But unfortunately it is majority of the Norwegian people (not me!) that cast their votes in the blue/brown direction! |
Gjest |
#292014-05-01 19:54Shame on the norwegian government. It is time to stand up for human rights, for democracy and not for pure selfish economic winning. I am so sick of the egoistic - run politics. |
Gjest |
#302014-05-02 06:30Wise people meet wise people and make the world a better place together. Ignoring wise people on behalf of money-talks and repressive will - leads only to hegemony of the oppressor. |
Gjest |
#312014-05-02 08:53Every decision we make every action we take should be based in and on human rights !!! Last but not least the love for Mother Earth must be the platform we stand on !!!!! |
Carole |
#342014-05-05 18:49Welcome! Thanks to the tibetan people for his great kindness and braveheart |
Am. Expat |
#36 Re:2014-05-06 14:07Very shameful of the government. What kind of message does this send to Norway's youth, that money, status, and power is more important than human rights and PEACE? Shameful..........Norway don't follow in the footsteps of the U.S.A. I would expect this behavior and these comments from the politicians in the U.S. but not from you. |
Gjest |
#392014-05-07 09:18I plead for our politicians to muster what spine and integrity they may have left, and side with the oppressed Tibetans rather than the oppressors! |
Gjest |
#402014-06-02 21:51The Chinese government needs to relax. The Tibetans don't mean any harm to the Chinese. It's not the Buddhist way. The Chinese don't need to fear Buddhism. It is nonviolent, just as are all of the teachings of the Dalai Lama. There is no reason for them to not want peaceful relations with H.H. He means no harm to them. If there are any Tibetans that wish violence against the Chinese, they are not following the teachings of the Dalai Lama. The Buddha's teachings are that even if you are being drawn and quartered, you should feel compassion, not hatred toward the ones doing that to you, or else you are not following Buddha's teachings. |
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